Holistic Health & Wellness
Client Testimonials
“Because of Ms. Jax I am down 100 pounds and I feel great.
Not only can she help you lose weight but she can teach you how to heal yourself mentally, spiritually, and physically. I am in my third month of the program and this is just the beginning for me!“ – Jordan
“At 52 I weighed 185 pounds, everything hurt, I had brain fog and couldn’t imagine my life 5 years from now let alone 30. I tried ‘eating healthy’ and nothing budged. I also realized you can follow the Lev 11 diet and still eat badly. Then came Jax ?! HalleluYah for this introduction! And Ellipsesarts Jasmine. (I will eventually post a today picture) I have lost 31 pounds to date, I feel incredible! My husband has joined me on this wellness journey! This is LIT, taking Yah’s Torah and living it! And the fruit is wellness. I’m not done as I’m still working through some long term organ abuse however I am no where near where I was! If you’ve been on the fence about getting your temple right, I hope this gives you inspiration to just do it!!!“ – Mel
“I heard about Jax and Temple Health and their excitement that our guests had shared with me drew my interest. I knew I needed some help because I’m blind, but knew I was overweight. Thanks to Jax and my Sister Ev preparing my meals and ordering my supplements, making sure I took what I needed and followed the program, I am 30 lbs. lighter. I did this health program for 12 weeks which ended in September 2019. At first, I didn’t experience any results, til someone told me to get on a scale. When I did, I found that after about 10 days, I’d lost 10 lbs. That encouraged me to continue. Jax taught me how to change my eating habits. People always want a quick fix, but it really takes determination and I am more pleased that I have my own testimony. Jax is so awesome and I appreciate her staying in touch and explaining everything in detail every week. She made sure I stayed on my course and she never, ever said anything negative. She is exactly what she says she is. Jax, is my Health Coach. I have about 20 to 25 more pounds to lose and I know I will get there. Thank You Jax.“ – JoMary Jones
“Hello family I just want to say a few words about how well this program works I was introduced to Temple Health by a close friend I seen her transformation and wondered what it did for her she would show me how easy it was and how wonderful she felt so I decided to join it has been one of the life-changing decisions I’ve ever made in my life I have lost the desired weight my energy is through the roof and most of all I have learned so much I just want to take a moment and quote a fable it is sad when you give a person a fish you only feed them for a day but when you teach them how to fish you changed their lives and that’s what Temple Health has done for me I had no clue on the toxins I was putting in my body I will be forever grateful for Temple Health.” – Kc Mosheh
“THANK YOU JAX!!! If You Don’t Know, You Can Ask Me!!! I don’t stick to diets, exercise programs, tried fasting, cutting things out of my daily diet. It NEVER Worked. Then I was introduced to JAX. I was superstitious BUT, I saw some results on one Mr. JC. He lost 30+ lbs. from being on her ‘Health Program’. Nope, Not a Diet. She taught me how to eat for my body and live for ‘My Body Type’. I lost 33 lbs. in the 12 week program that I followed… SOMEWHAT. She coached me and Never made me feel like a failure. It took dedication in wanting to learn how to eat the proper foods that help me live and not do any more damage than I’d already done over the many years of improper food intake. If you only knew what’s going on with our food today… YOU’D SPRINT… From the grocery stores and fast food charmers. You’d be more mindful of what you feed your family, especially children. The first pic is from Oct. 20th 2018 (only full body photo I have)… I started the program at the end of May, this year. The first 2 weeks I lost over 10 lbs. With out sending you through my entire weight loss history chart, I’ll just say, by the end of August I am a Brand New Me… @ 60+. So, JAX, YOU ROCK!!!” – Yolanda Cromwell
“A friend of ours, James had come by and we could see that he’d lost quite a bit of weight (70 lbs. to be exact). He told me about how good he was feeling since he’d been on this program and learned how to eat healthy. He use to have serious back and knee pains and since then, the pain is basically gone. He also expressed how he’d get winded from going up and down stairs probably because of the weight on his heart. I’d been having a lot of pain in my knees and legs, so I decided to try the program along with my sisters. We started in early July to September 30th, 2019. In the beginning, I had a lot of challenges and some resistance. I’m not a diabetic but I was having symptoms of a diabetic. Jax walked me through her program. There were so many times I just wanted to just give up but, she stayed on me, constantly encouraging me not to give up on myself and that we’d get to the other side. I’m so glad I didn’t stop. I feel so much better, eating better, I’m healthier. I’m feeling the improvement of not as many aches and pains in my knees, legs and feet. I’m walking more, dancing more and exercising more. She taught me how to eat healthy and how to enjoy my food in a way that won’t interfere with my health. I’m still eating healthy and will continue to do so. Jax is amazing. I enjoy working with her, talking with her. She’s given me all kinds of recipes and tips on how I can improve me. She’s really got the heart and the patience to do this and you can tell, she loves helping us get it together. I don’t want to go back to being the consumer that I was. This is much better, and I am Loving the new me… Thanks Jax.“ – Ev Louise
“A little over 3 months ago I was struggling with my new healthy lifestyle. I was at a plateau with my weight loss and I was struggling with my allergies and energy levels. I began a physical, spiritual, mental journey with my coach Jax N Ari. Jax helped me get my allergies under control without pharmaceutical products, regulate my hormones, generate more energy and break through that plateau in my weight loss. Now, I am running, sneezing less and weigh 15 lbs less than when we started! I did not do my measurements before we started but I can tell you my clothes are fitting much looser and I actually had to throw away a few pair of shoes because they were too big, and Goodwill was closed due to COVID-19. Jax is very knowledgeable and very economically conscious when recommending changes to your diet and supplement consumption. I never felt pressured and she makes herself available for any questions or concerns that arise between sessions. She does an in depth consultation and then you to chose to work with her or not. Thanks Jax for being patient with me, praying with me and sharing your knowledge to improve my life. I can’t wait to get started on Phase 2! See you on Zoom soon!” – Nichelle Lewis